Thursday, May 29, 2008

One thing you doing...

What should I do if I have
vermiculite attic insulation?
DO NOT DISTURB IT. Any disturbance has the
potential to release asbestos fibers into the air.
Limiting the number of trips you make to your attic
and shortening the length of those trips can help
limit your potential exposure.
EPA and ATSDR strongly recommend that:
• Vermiculite insulation be left undisturbed
in your attic. Due to the uncertainties with
existing testing techniques, it is best to
assume that the material may contain
• You should not store boxes or other items
in your attic if retrieving the material will
disturb the insulation.
• Children should not be allowed to play in
an attic with open areas of vermiculite
• If you plan to remodel or conduct
renovations that would disturb the
vermiculite, hire professionals trained and
certified to handle asbestos to safely
remove the material.
• You should never attempt to remove the
insulation yourself. Hire professionals
trained and certified to safely remove the
What if I occasionally have to go into
my attic?
EPA and ATSDR strongly recommend that
homeowners make every effort not to disturb
vermiculite insulation in their attics. If you
occasionally have to go into your attic, current best
practices state you should:
1. Make every effort to stay on the floored part
of your attic and to not disturb the
2. If you must perform activities that may
disturb the attic insulation such as moving
boxes (or other materials), do so as gently
as possible to minimize the disturbance.
3. Leave the attic immediately after the
4. If you need work done in your attic such as
the installation of cable or utility lines, hire
trained and certified professionals who can
safely do the work.
5. It is possible that vermiculite attic insulation
can sift through cracks in the ceiling,
around light fixtures, or around ceiling fans.
You can prevent this by sealing the cracks
and holes that insulation could pass
6. Common dust masks are not effective
against asbestos fibers. For information on
the requirements for wearing a respirator
mask, visit the following OSHA website:
What are the next steps?
The guidance provided in this brochure reflects the
current testing technology and knowledge of
precautions one may take regarding vermiculite
attic insulation. EPA is initiating further studies on
vermiculite attic insulation and pursuing other
asbestos related issues. Additional information will
be provided to the public via the EPA and ATSDR
websites and through additional outreach materials
as it becomes available.

About your health

Is my health at risk from previous
exposures to the asbestos in the
If you removed or disturbed the insulation, it is
possible that you inhaled some asbestos fibers.
Also the disturbance may have resulted in the
fibers being deposited into other areas of the home.
Exposure to asbestos increases your risk of
developing lung disease. That risk is made worse
by smoking. In general, the greater the exposure to
asbestos, the greater the chance of developing
harmful health effects. Disease symptoms may
take several years to develop following exposure.
If you are concerned about possible exposure,
consult a physician who specializes in lung
diseases (pulmonologist).
Where can I get information on
testing or removal of the insulation?
EPA and ATSDR strongly recommend using a
trained and certified professional to conduct
removal work. Removing the insulation yourself
could potentially spread asbestos fibers throughout
your home, putting you and your family at risk of
inhaling these fibers.
For certified asbestos removal professionals in your
area, refer to your local Yellow Pages. Your State
Environmental Agency can confirm that the
company's credentials are current.
You can find your State Agency at:
Currently, there are specific technical issues
involving vermiculite sampling that can complicate
testing for the presence of asbestos fibers and
interpreting the risk from exposure. EPA and
ATSDR are not recommending at this time that
homeowners have vermiculite attic insulation tested
for asbestos. As testing techniques are refined,
EPA and ATSDR will provide information to the
public on the benefits of testing that produce more
definitive and accurate test results.
What if I have work-related exposure
to vermiculite?
Workers who have had significant past exposure,
or have significant ongoing exposure to asbestos,
to vermiculite from Libby, or to other asbestoscontaminated
materials should consider getting a
medical exam from a physician who knows
about diseases caused by asbestos. For more
information and to obtain a fact sheet concerning
occupational exposure to vermiculite, contact the
National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH) at: 1-800-35-NIOSH, or

What is vermiculite insulation?

Is occurring naturally of number a to given name the Asbestos,
insulation thermal ace such properties useful their for mined minerals
silicate fibrous, stability thermal and chemical, strength tensile high
and. Is insulator acoustic an ace used commonly Asbestos, insulation
thermal in and, materials building other and proofing fire. Products
asbestos contain today use in Many
Is asbestos when airborne become may that fibers of bundles microscopic
of up made Asbestos- disturbed or damaged acre materials containing.
These the into get fibers When irrigate lungs the into inhaled be may
they, problems health significant cause can they where
Page asbestos about information to access provides This. This Web site
On, effects health its and asbestos about information general access may
you. May products in asbestos suspect you if do to what about read also
You, school your in or home your in ( espan~ol en- escuelas las en asbesto).
Vermiculite is a naturally occurring mineral that has
the unusual property of expanding into worm-like
accordion shaped pieces when heated. The
expanded vermiculite is a light-weight, fireresistant,
absorbent, and odorless material. These
properties allow vermiculite to be used to make
numerous products, including attic insulation.
Do I have vermiculite insulation?
Vermiculite can be purchased in various forms for
various uses. Sizes of vermiculite products range
from very fine particles to large (coarse) pieces
nearly an inch long. Vermiculite attic insulation is a
pebble-like, pour-in product and is usually lightbrown
or gold in color. The pictures in the center of
this pamphlet and on the cover show several
samples of vermiculite attic insulation.
Is vermiculite insulation a problem?
Prior to its close in 1990, much of the world's
supply of vermiculite came from a mine near Libby,
Montana. This mine had a natural deposit of
asbestos which resulted in the vermiculite being
contaminated with asbestos. Attic insulation
produced using vermiculite ore, particularly ore that
originated from the Libby mine, may contain
asbestos fibers. Today, vermiculite is mined at
three U.S. facilities and in other countries which
have low levels of contamination in the finished
How does asbestos cause health
Asbestos can cause health problems when inhaled
into the lungs. If products containing asbestos are
disturbed, thin, lightweight asbestos fibers are
released into the air. Persons breathing the air may
breathe in asbestos fibers. Continued exposure
increases the amount of fibers that remain in the
lung. Fibers embedded in lung tissue over time
may result in lung diseases such as asbestosis,
lung cancer, or mesothelioma. Smoking increases
your risk of developing illness from asbestos

Intro to Asbesstos Project

Is occurring naturally of number a to given name the Asbestos,
insulation thermal ace such properties useful their for mined minerals
silicate fibrous, stability thermal and chemical, strength tensile high
and. Is insulator acoustic an ace used commonly Asbestos, insulation
thermal in and, materials building other and proofing fire. Products
asbestos contain today use in Many
Is asbestos when airborne become may that fibers of bundles microscopic
of up made Asbestos- disturbed or damaged acre materials containing.
These the into get fibers When irrigate lungs the into inhaled be may
they, problems health significant cause can they where
Page asbestos about information to access provides This. This Web site
On, effects health its and asbestos about information general access may
you. May products in asbestos suspect you if do to what about read also
You, school your in or home your in ( espan~ol en- escuelas las en asbesto).

Asbestos is the name given to a number of natu-rally occurring fibrous
minerals with high tensilestrength, the ability to be woven, and
resistance toheat and most chemicals. Because of these proper-ties,
asbestos fibers have been used in a wide rangeof manufactured goods,
including roofingshingles, ceiling and floor tiles, paper and
cementproducts, textiles, coatings, and friction productssuch as
automobile clutch, brake and transmissionparts. Exposure to asbestos can
be harmful tohuman health if asbestos fibers are released intothe air
when asbestos is disturbed or in poorcondition, and these fibers are
inhaled into thelungs. Asbestos exposure has been associated witha
number of serious health problems and diseases,including asbestosis,
lung cancer, and mesothe-lioma.
For more than three decades, many federal agen-cies have been overseeing
the regulation of asbes-tos products, wastes, and emissions.
ExistingEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) regula-tions address
asbestos risks from non-householdproducts that contain asbestos; point
sourceemissions from facilities where these products aremanufactured;
and sites where environmentalcontamination poses a risk to local
populations(outside of the workplace). These regulations arepromulgated
under several environmental statutes.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Eliminating debt in 5 easy step. .

By: Jonathan Lemereaux

It is unfortunate that in today's economy, debt rules all. From the
deepest spots of our wallets, we have charged ourselves to the point
of no return. The commercials and ads promising a better car, newer
home and more of this and that are all based on lines of credit and
bank loans. Our children have been raised in this economy where paying
for something means a monthly payment and a low or high interest rate;
this is why debt elimination is needed. With debt comes the need for
the debt elimination and the strive to become debt free.
Happiness, less stress and more money are all waiting for the person
who can choose debt elimination and live debt free. A debt free
lifestyle and a debt elimination lifestyle is one that is marked by
owning more things than you owe on. Moving from carrying large amounts
of debt to being a debt free citizen is as simple as practicing these
five debt elimination tips.
Pay Cash - This step may seem like a given but becoming debt free with
debt elimination is about eliminating the creation of new debt which a
lot of people have trouble with. New debt free choices can create a
more sound debt elimination path in life. It is often hard to accept
the fact that we can not have everything we want and even though we
can afford the monthly payment, that is still debt. Free yourself from
this debt by buying only with cash; the savior of debt elimination.
Cancel Those Cards - Debt elimination can not start until those credit
cards are out of sight, out of mind and out of the wallet. A debt free
lifestyle and debt elimination means never charging anything again.
Yes, you heard that right, NEVER! A credit card is the worst choice
for someone who wants to live life debt free and eliminate all debt.
Charging fresh amounts of money will just revert you back to being
full of debt and stop debt elimination.
Minimum is Not Good - In order to pay off the credit card debt you owe
and become debt free, you need to eliminate debt from your bills. The
debt created on credit cards is a revolving debt. Free to take up most
of your budget for the next 30 years if you choose to pay the minimum
payments. Paying off those cards will require higher payments on a
more frequent schedule. Debt free and debt elimination is not an easy
choice, but it will feel good.
No More Monthly Payments -When trying to move from debt to debt free,
you must forget about how much you can afford per month and stick with
what you can afford right now. Debt free means taking those monthly
payments and converting them to monthly savings. Debt elimination is
getting rid of that debt.
Bankruptcy is Not a Choice -Bankruptcy is not a debt free option.
Being debt free and debt elimination means keeping track of our money,
not pushing the bills under the rug. In order to live debt free and
remain debt free, we need to learn how to choose debt elimination.
There was a time in life when debt free was the only way to live.
Since then, the world has been taken over by the interest rate. Just
as we learned to live outside of our means, we can learn to eliminate
debt ad live debt free. A debt free lifestyle and debt elimination is
there for the taking, we just have to want to be debt free.
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